Our compliance management system
We do not tolerate corruption. Moreover, we emphazise the strict observance of our company specific and ethical rules.
In order to do this, JUWI has established an effective compliance management system. It includes the transparent treatment of donations and contributions and has been communicated to all employees. JUWI has also created control mechanisms in order to avoid any misuse. Furthermore, JUWI conducted trainings covering rules and codes of conduct for employees from distribution.
Our Compliance Office ensures the observance of the rules. It advises and supports the management in terms of preventive measures to avoid and to elucidate infringements and corruption.
Whistleblower Hotline at JUWI
At JUWI, we place a high value on strict adherence to legal requirements, which forms a fundamental part of our corporate ethos. This is particularly critical in sensitive domains such as anti-corruption initiatives, maintaining the integrity of our business operations, compliance with cartel laws, and upholding labor and environmental standards. Misconduct by even a single individual can have substantial repercussions on our company.
To promptly identify and preempt potential misconduct and legal breaches, we offer our whistleblower hotline. This service is accessible to both JUWI employees and external parties at all times. It allows for the reporting of any violations or suspected incidents, and these reports can be made anonymously whenever necessary.
Violations and suspected criminal offences can be reported to:
Dr. Rainer Frank and Dr. Niklas Auffermann (Lawyers)
- Telephone number: +49 (0)3031868582
- Email address: ombudsman-juwi@fsp.de

We're here to help
If you have any questions regarding compliance at JUWI, please get in touch.
P +27 21 831 6100
E info@juwi.co.za